
  • Access the videos and the materials by signing on to Canvas. You will be invited.

  • Once you get on to Canvas, click modules to the left of the screen. You will then see buttons for Chapters 1-3. Click on Chapter 1.

  • You will need a computer, a projector and speakers.

  • Provide your groups with writing paper, post-its, index cards, markers and pencils.

  • Have chart paper or large post-it paper available.

  • For Chapter 1, Activity 1, you will prepare a list of group roles and agreements on either chart paper or a PowerPoint slide, and you will need to save these at the end of that sessions for use in future sessions.

Suggested Time

Suggested time for Chapter 1:

  • All time suggestions are just that, suggestions.

  • You will have to adjust the time based on your participants and the depth of their discussion.

  • We estimate that 11-12 hours will be needed for the entire chapter.

  • You can certainly break Chapter 1 into chunks.

    • Activity 1: approximately 1 hour;

    • Activity 2: approximately 4 hours;

    • Activity 3: approximately 2 hours;

    • Activity 4: approximately 2-3 hours;

    • Activity 5: approximately 1 hour;

    • Activity 6: approximately 1 hour.


  • The Facilitator’s Guide for your use

  • Cultural Proficiency and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy definitions, for Activity 2 (Print on cardstock. Print one card per table, then fold the cards in half to form tents, with the text inside so that it isn’t visible until turned over. You may also want to print out a copy of the definitions for each participant.)

  • Agreement cards, for Activity 1 (Print one set of cards per group on cardstock.)

  • Objectives and Essential Questions

  • Discussion Questions for Chapter 1, for Activities 2, 4, and 5

  • Article: “The Culturally Relevant Classroom, A Focus on Children of African Descent,” by Aminata Umoja, for Activity 3

  • Skills, Beliefs and Commitments: Your Notes, for Activity 3

  • Directions for the jigsaw of “The Culturally Relevant Classroom, A Focus on Children of African Descent,” for Activity 3

  • Research cards, for Activity 5 (Print these on cardstock or colored paper. Each research card needs to be a different color. (There are 7 cards in a set. The cards of each number should be a different color—for example, all #1s could be blue cards, all #2s could be yellow, etc. If you have 42 participants, print 6 sets; if 35 participants, print 5 sets, etc. If the number of participants isn’t evenly divided by 7, print the next larger number of sets and assign as many of the last set as needed.)

  • A Continuum to Promote Thought, for Activity 5 (Print on legal-size paper.)